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Sanction check

Before you hire or start working with someone, you want to make sure they are not involved in criminal activities. Validata’s Sanction list check helps you do this. This check reduces your risks, such as fines, reputation damage and legal problems.




The Sanctions Act

The Sanctions Act is a law that lays down rules for imposing sanctions on persons, organisations, countries or goods. Sanctions lists, created by the Sanctions Act, contain the names of persons or organisations that, now or in the past, have been sanctioned.
The Sanctions Act, which has been in place since 1977, was created with the aim of preserving integrity and ensuring that crimes (financial and otherwise) are not committed. Using a sanctions list prevents unwanted behaviour. It makes it easier for governments of different countries to cooperate and supervise.

Why is the sanctions act important?

The sanctions act helps with the following:

  • It protects human rights
  • It protects national security by fighting terrorism
  • It helps to ensure international security
  • It helps to protect and promote international peace
  • It protects the economy, by countering illegal activities such as money laundering or terrorist financing
  • It ensures that countries and organisations comply with international agreements and rules
Different types of sanctions

A few different types of sanctions that the UN or the EU can impose are:

  • Financial sanctions
  • Trade restrictions
  • Arms embargoes
  • Travel and visa restrictions on certain individuals

What are sanctions lists and what sanctions lists are there?

A sanctions list is an official list of individuals, organisations and countries that have been granted special sanctions. These sanctions are imposed by authorities such as the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) or the Dutch Financial Market Authority (AFM). You get a sanction if you have violated (inter)national laws and regulations. This could, for example, be a violation in terrorism or the violation of human rights. Below is an overview of some sanction lists:

The Netherlands
  • National terrorism sanctions list: This list includes persons and organisations that have been involved in terrorist activities
  • Financial Market Authority (AFM)
  • Insolvency Register
  • Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
  • Europol: called the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, is the European Union’s police organisation.
United Kingdom
  • Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI)
United States
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
  • Specially Designated National (SDN list)
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • United Nations Security Council: The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security, authorising military action and approving changes.
  • Interpol: Red Corner Notices
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC): Commercial Crime Services

To whom does the Sanctions Act apply

The Sanctions Act applies to several sectors, but the financial sector in particular is strictly controlled. In this sector, it is mandatory to carry out thorough checks. It also applies to organisations doing business with individuals or organisations abroad.

Check on sanctions list

Checking whether someone is on the sanctions list cannot be done just like that; you have to have a legitimate reason for it. The check is carried out on the basis of the Sanctions Act, the Financial Supervision Act (Wft) or the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Act (WWFT).  These checks are of great importance, especially for integrity-sensitive positions within organisations.

Sanctions list check quickly arranged

By outsourcing this check, your organisation can focus on your core tasks, while we ensure reliable and fast background checks. In addition, we also ensure a fast turnaround time. With us, the check can be completed in as little as 5 minutes. This is partly due to our data partner



Screening personnel with Validata

It is important that candidates are thoroughly screened in the financial sector. Validata offers a complete service that lets you screen for more than just the sanctions list. We also check a candidate for the PEP (Politically Exposed Person) list and the Adverse Media list.

  • Simple and efficient screening: A streamlined approach makes it easy for your organisation to screen candidates.
  • International network: Through an extensive network, Validata has access to international sanctions lists and other sources. So you are assured of a screening with information that has been verified at the source.
  • Validata unburdens you: We take the screening process out of your organisation’s hands, so you can focus on what is important: finding the right and best candidates.

Check out our PEP-, Sanctielijst and Adverse media check

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