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Frequently asked questions

We can imagine that you have questions about Validata’s services. That is why we have listed the most Frequently Asked Questions with answers. Maybe your question is in there too!

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions

What does a screening entail?

A screening involves verifying certain information about a (potential) employee. The data screened must relate to the candidate’s job performance. For example, the BIG registration of a health care provider must be checked when hiring.

How does Validata screen candidates?

Validata screens candidates within an online environment called Valluga. Within this secure environment, both the employer and the candidate can access their own account. The employer must specify who they want to screen and what they want to check and then Validata takes over the screening process. Once all checks are complete both the employer and candidate are notified and can review the report online. Validata also has an in-house support team that can answer any screening queries and support candidates.

What is the average turnaround time for a screening at Validata?

After the candidate has provided the required data, the average turnaround time of a screening at Validata is 5 working days. Elements that have a longer turnaround time are the certificate of conduct (VOG) and the verification of foreign diplomas.

Does Validata have certain certifications?

Validata holds:

  • The ISO 9001 certification, is an internationally recognised standard in the field of quality management. This certification sets requirements to secure and improve processes concerning customer satisfaction.
  • The ISO 27001 certification, is a standard focused on information security. The standard describes how an organisation should deal with information security, to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data.
  • The ISAE3000 report, is an assurance report, reviewed by an independent IT auditor and accountant, which allows us to provide assurance on our processes that involve privacy, operational processes and information security.

In addition, Validata has a POB license issued by the Ministry of Justice and is a recognised member of the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA).

How long does Validata retain candidate data?

The norm is that almost all data is kept for 90 days (3 months). It is also possible to safely store all data and reports at Validata in a separate environment upon request.

Is your question not listed above?

Read our detailed FAQ sections for both employers and candidates below.

Frequently Asked Questions for candidates and employees

Are you being screened by Validata? We have listed the most Frequently Asked Questions.

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Our support team
Bart Bijkerk

Frequently Asked Questions for employers

Are you interested in Validata’s services? We have listed the most Frequently Asked Questions.

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