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The perfect screening policy:

what should you look for?

A successful employment screening starts with an appropriate screening policy. But how do you establish such a policy? Our white paper deals with the relevant matters that you as an organisation must take into account when drawing up and implementing a screening policy.

A policy forms the basis for screening

The practical reasons to start employment screening differ from one organisation to another. In some sectors, such as in finance and healthcare, screening employees is a legal obligation. However, a proper screening policy forms the basis for a successful implementation of the screening process.

Whitepaper the perfect screening policy

White paper about a suitable screening policy for your organisation

An appropriate screening policy shows that you have your operations under control. The policy contains tools that your organisation can always rely on. Our white paper examines the following aspects:

  • The contents of a screening policy: Setting up an appropriate screening policy requires businesses to think carefully about how the organisation hires and retains employees, and what role employment screening plays in this process.
  • Implementing a screening policy: After creating the document, the screening policy can be implemented. But what can your employees do with this policy?
  • Benefits of a professional screening party: Using the services of a professional screening company relieves your organisation of several time-consuming and costly tasks. Employees have more time to focus on their core business.

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