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Prolonged corona crisis forces new recruitment and selection process

Prolonged corona crisis forces new recruitment and selection process

The ever-changing corona measures require a good dose of adaptability from organizations and their employees. Working from home is becoming the norm and many processes are now feasible through digital means. But how does this implicate hiring and training new employees? It is always important to employ and retain people with integrity but this becomes crucial in uncertain times. After all, even when businesses work remotely, it is the people who contribute to the success of your organization.

Digitalised screening process

Working from home is no longer the exception for many businesses

The corona crisis has greatly influenced people’s working lives in the Netherlands and across the rest of the world. Advice for existing employees to work from home is increasingly being followed. Personal, face-to-face contact is kept to a minimum and the majority of communication takes place digitally. With an eye to the future, many companies are adapting their current policy: instead of an exception, working from home is becoming the new standard.

In order to work remotely, we are more than ever before dependent on reliable digital facilities. First and foremost, the security of connections and networks needs to be guaranteed. Secondly, employees must be able to demonstrate that processing data is done securely. Similarly, this applies to working with external parties. Especially today, you must be able to rely on the people you work (closely) with, that they have their affairs in order. Risk management remains critical in this corona crisis.

Sustainable success and higher quality through a focus on innovation

Employment screening is a useful tool that provides greater security. Pre-employment screening is a standard part of the hiring process at more and more organizations. But what does this look like today? Due to the current measures, HR policies must adapt; job interviews can no longer be conducted “live” and the induction process is mainly done at home.

Due to the corona measures, a taster day is often impossible to realize and the onboarding mainly takes place digitally. An employment screening in a digital environment ensures that you as an organization can verify the fit between the candidate and the company, ensuring they have the necessary knowledge and expertise. By innovating your recruitment process, you can also hire the right employees in new circumstances and continuously deliver maximum quality.

A strong team is essential during a crisis

The corona crisis has seen many organizations struggle financially and take measures to weather the storm. The number of layoffs has increased despite state support. Yet it has been proved that during a crisis, organizations who invest in innovation are and remain more successful. Whilst the number of unemployed has increased throughout 2020 compared to last year, not every sector has seen a reduction in the number of jobs. The number of applications for unemployment benefits has even dropped since October 2020.

During a crisis, you don’t want to take unnecessary risks by hiring the wrong candidates. A miss-hire can cost a lot of time, energy, and money. By being sure of your candidate, you can build a stronger team and a more successful organization. A professional screening organization such as Validata offers solutions. Not only is relevant data checked before the candidate enters employment, but Validata’s cooperation also has a preventative effect during the recruitment process.

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