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BIG registration check

Check whether your new staff meets the mandatory BIG registration in healthcare.

BIG registration check conveniently conducted with Validata

During a BIG registration check, Validata inspects whether a (potential) employee is registered in the BIG register. If a health care provider has not been included in the BIG register or has had measures imposed, this can have far-reaching consequences. Not only would patients be at risk, but your organisation is also jeopardized withpossible reputational and financial damage. By checking the BIG register in time, you can reduce potential risks.

What is a BIG registration?

BIG stands for Professions in Individual Health Care. Only  care providers who are included in this register are allowed to work under a protected professional title and perform the associated actions independently. Protected professional titles include a doctor, pharmacist, physiotherapist, health psychologist, psychotherapist, dentist, obstetrician, and nurse. The BIG register provides clarity about the competence of the care providers who use this professional title.

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BIG-check for healthcare personnel

Check a BIG registration

To check a BIG registration, a (potential) employee is asked to enter his or her BIG number in their personal online account. Validata then digitally checks whether this number appears in the BIG register., It will also bechecked if  the number has not expired. As an extra check, Validata can request and provide proof of registration in the BIG register.

Validata also checks specialist registers

In addition to the BIG check, Validata can also check specialist registers, which include care providers from different professional groups. The specialist registers are covered by the Specialist Registration Committees (SRCs). Examples of these professional associations are:

  • Doctors: Registration Committee for Medical Specialists (RGS)
  • Pharmacists: Specialist Registration Commission (SRC)
  • Health psychologists: Registration and Supervision Committee (CRT)
  • Dentists: Registration Committee Dental Specialisms (RTS)
  • Nurses: Registration Committee for Nursing Specialisms (RSV)

BIG register and measures imposed

If a (potential) employee has had measures imposed by a disciplinary committee or by the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ) while performing a job, this willbe disclosed in the BIG registration check.

Depending on the cause, different measures can be imposed, each with different consequences:

  • A profession-restricting order or order to immediately abstain from professional activities are the most severe measures, they restrict the care provider in the practice of the profession.
  • In addition, there are less severe measures such as a reprimand, fine, or suspension.
  • A denial of the right to be re-registered and a cancellation both relate to registration in the BIG register.

The most severe measures are always made public. In the case of less severe measures, a disciplinary judge decides whether the privacy interest of the care provider should give way to the general interest of the public.

The BIG register shares information about professional restrictive measures imposed in the Netherlands with other EU countries and vice versa.

Learn more about the BIG registration check

Why conduct a BIG registration check via Validata?

Validata addresses your concerns

As soon as the (potential) employee has provided their BIG registration number, Validatatakes the entire screening process off your hands. You can review the results of the BIG registration check in the screening report.

Checks direct and digitally

To guarantee a short processing time, Validata checks the BIG register through an automatic digital process. This means you will receive the screening results faster.

Specialises in employment screening

Validata has specialised in employment screening since 2009. Due to our many years of experience, we offer a fast and efficient screening process that complies with current (privacy) laws and regulations.

Screen employees with Validata

The success of an organisation depends on having the right employees. Consequently, it is important tomake sure you know who you are recruiting and retaining. Validata has created different screening profiles for each sector that can be supplemented as desired. In addition to the BIG registration check, there are numerous other background checks to choose from.

View all background checks

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