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Verification of education and diploma check

With a verification of education and diploma check, you can be sure that (potential) employees have the right foundation to perform their work properly. This is important, because in various sectors it is mandatory to only hire qualified employees.

Validata carries out educational checks. We verify diplomas that the candidate has obtained at the highest level of education at institutions around the world. Training and course certificates or diplomas from private institutions cannot be verified.

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Verification of diplomas to ensure qualified staff

Do you already include a diploma check in your hiring process? When it comes to hiring the right staff, especially for important and safety-critical positions, credential verification is a step in the right direction. It is a way to protect the organisation, its reputation, and its valuable resources while ensuring that candidates truly have the competencies they claim to possess.

Behind a successful employment is an accurate and authentic diploma. Need help with diploma check? Contact our sales team today. 

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Legitimate degree or fake? Let Validata verify for you!

Exam fraud is not only unethical, but it can also be harmful. In the medical profession, it can lead to incorrect treatments and dangerous situations for patients. In the security sector, it can mean an increased risk to public safety. And in many other professions, it can result in lost time, money and resources for employers who rely on genuine qualifications.

Mishires are both costly and can damage your organisation’s reputation. Minimise risks and start reviewing candidates’ CVs and diplomas today.

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Education and diploma check

Education and diplomas are checked directly at source

With Validata as your partner, you can be sure that you are making informed hiring decisions and building a strong and competent team. We are specialists in helping and facilitating organisations’ hiring process when it comes to background checks of candidates. We look beyond the surface and carefully scrutinise each diploma to ensure its authenticity. If there is no diploma registered in the official register, we contact the relevant institution to verify the information.

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Verification on international diplomas


International diplomas can also be checked. Validata therefore works closely with Nuffic and Qualification Check. Nuffic is a Dutch independent non-profit organisation focused on internationalisation in education, Nuffic analyses the authenticity and validity of the relevant diplomas. They also check whether the educational institution is accredited in the country of origin.

Nuffic logo - For ID check and identity check

Professional and reliable data providers

Finally, Nuffic values the international diploma at the system level. Consider, for example, a Swedish bachelor’s or master’s degree. Nuffic does not make a factual comparison, nor does it distinguish between higher vocational education and training and university education.

There is an additional fee for checking an international diploma and foreign diplomas. You will receive this invoice as soon as Validata has requested verification from Nuffic. The average processing time at Nuffic can take up to 10 working days.

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Why choose Validata for diploma check

We take care of the verification of diplomas so you can focus on recruitment.

Validata take care of everything 

After you have registered a (potential) employee and selected a matching screening profile, Validata takes the work away from you. You can then read the results of the diploma check in the screening report.

Look beyond the diploma register 

If there is no diploma registered in Ladok, Validata will contact the relevant higher education institution.

Specialises in background checks 

Validata has specialised in background checks for recruitment and employment since 2009. Thanks to our many years of experience, we offer a fast and efficient screening process that complies with applicable (privacy) laws and regulations.

Streamline the hiring process with Validata’s screening software – Valluga

The right employees can be a crucial factor in the success of an organisation. Know who you are hiring and retaining. Employment checks on new recruits and staff can provide security. Validata has created a customised screening profile for each sector and each function that can be completed as required. In addition to the education check, there are many other background checks to choose from.

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Frequently asked questions about education and diploma checks

Is it possible to get a fake diploma?

Is it possible to get a fake diploma?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes, you can fake diplomas. There are individuals who cheat for employment with fake diplomas and educational documents. What is considered a lucrative business is fake university programmes and degrees. And turn over billions every year. These people are often linked to criminality and falsify ID documents, among other things.

| Source: Identifiera förfalskade utbildningsdokument och bluffuniversitet – en guide för dig som är arbetsgivare. (version 1:2018).

How can I verify the authenticity of a diploma?  

How can I verify the authenticity of a diploma?

The best way to verify the authenticity of a diploma is to contact the institution directly. Or check with Ladok to see if the candidate in question is registered in their system. Falsified diplomas can also be carelessly made, which makes them detectable. To verify the actual existence of the institution, you can use UKÄ (University Chancellor’s Office) Högskolkolllen.

How does Validata verify diplomas? 

How does Validata verify diplomas?

We verify the candidate’s diploma directly from the source through directly with the specified university. For international diplomas, we work with trusted data providers, such as Nuffic and Qualification check.

Please note that educational and course certificates or grades cannot be verified.

Contact us if you have questions about verifying your candidate’s education and diploma

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