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Background checks

By conducting various background checks you can ensure whether a (potential) employee is suited for a certain position.

Background checks – why is it important?

The success of an organisation depends on having the right employees. It is, therefore, important to make sure you know who you are recruiting and retaining. Employment screening can provide certainty in this regard. By conducting various background checks you can ensure whether a (potential) employee is suited for a certain position.

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Benefits of screening with Validata

There are two options when you want to make sure that the information on a candidate’s CV is correct; you can pick this up yourself or outsource it to a knowledgeable and experienced organisation in employment screening.

Screening without Validata

  • Numerous manual processes: follow-up calls and emails
  • Time-consuming
  • Paperwork and no digital validation
  • Uncertainty regarding which information source to consult
  • Poor insight into personal data security
  • No progress overview

Screening with Validata

  • Automated processes and communication
  • Short turnaround time of 5 working days on average
  • Digital validation and all information in one central location
  • Network of partners who check information directly at the source
  • 100% GDPR compliant
  • Online reporting and interim insights
  • Alleviate workload for your HR department
  • Integrate with your ATS/HR system

What background checks does Validata perform?

Identity check

An identity check, or ID check, is the most frequently performed check within Validata’s screening profiles. The identity of a (potential) employee is verified by examining a passport, ID card, or residence permit. Validata performs identity checks on both a national and an international level for businesses across Europe.

Education check

Validata performs education checks. We verify diplomas that are attained at the candidate’s highest level of education across worldwide institutes. Training or course certificates or grade list cannot be verified.

Credit check

Checking the creditworthiness of (potential) employees offers insight into possible (financial) risks. Relevant information from courts, bailiffs, debt collection agencies is consulted and payment arrears are checked. The application procedure for an international creditworthiness check differs per country.

Criminal record check

Validata assists organisations obtain international criminal record checks. Validata has access to an extensive database of countries where we can request international criminal record check or we check with the relevant country’s embassy. This process differs per country.

Work experience check

Validata checks the work experience of a (potential) employee. An appointed referee or HR department is approached to verify the period of employment, stated position, and employer.

PEP-check, sanction list, and adverse media check

Validata examines global accounts of money laundering, (financial) fraud, the financing of or participation in criminal organisations, and drug-related crime. A team of researchers checks daily publications from financial, regulatory, and disciplinary authorities worldwide. However, anti-corruption agencies such as Interpol, Europol, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are also consulted.

Salary check

The candidate must upload the three most recent salary slips here and one bank statement from his/her bank account where the salary deposit can be seen. Validata checks whether the documents are present and it is up to the client to review these documents.

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