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Internet scan and social media check

The internet scan and social media check is a background check of the candidate’s internet behaviour. At Validata we help employees with scanning social media (X, Facebook and Instagram), the public internet and on the dark web. It can be performed on several levels. Learn more about how exactly we can help you with this check. Or book a demo with our sales team.

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Duty of disclosure when checking employees’ social media

As an employer, you must not just look up a candidate/employee on the internet, as this can easily mean a breach of someone’s privacy (GDPR). It must be justified, and the company must have good reasons for doing so. Also, consider creating a screening policy within your organisation. This should include:

  • Why an internet search is being conducted
  • How this information is evaluated
  • How can it add value to the organisation and the position in question

The candidate should also be informed of this check in advance. At Validata, this is clearly stated in the declaration form that is shared with the candidate in advance. Wondering how it works? Send your request for this background check. We are happy to help you.

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When should you consider background checks on (potential) employees’ digital traces?

The more senior a person’s position is, the more often Validata finds that an organisation is interested in using the internet scan. In privacy-sensitive positions, such as a management position, it is especially important because these candidates can become the face of an organisation. It is also very important in positions where the prospective employee will have access to sensitive company information.

The internet scan ensures that the employer knows in advance if, for example, the candidate is sharing inappropriate content on social media or has strong political views online. It is important that the candidate is not a target of blackmail because of certain information on the internet.

This check is most common in the financial and business sectors. For example, as a bank or insurance company, it’s important to limit the risk of damage to their reputation.

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Prevent risks with internet scan on employee’s social media and internet behavior

Checking (potential) employees’ social media and investigating their online behavior will help your organisation detect risks in a timely manner. This type of background check is carried out on several levels. Depending on the employee’s role and what is considered proportionate, you can choose between a Basic check and a Complete check.

Are you interested in this check and want to know more? Don’t hesitate to contact our account manager. Send your request today.

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Preventing risks with a background check on employees' social media and online behaviour
A woman holds her mobile phone with a feed of social channels such as Facebook, X and Instagram.

Basic check: Indexed web search and social media check

In the basic check, the indexed web and all social media channels are checked for information about the candidate. The check consists of three parts: indexed internet search (the public internet) and a social media scan (including Facebook, X and Instagram). The indexed web refers to the part of the internet that is indexed by search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo) and is available for searches.

In addition to various social media channels, platforms and other forms of online presence are also checked for possible matches with the candidate.

This check will be ready after about 1 business day.

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Complete check: Deep web scan (dark web)

For both surveys, open sources are used to best capture the candidate’s digital footprint. For the in-depth web search, the dark web is also reviewed for similarities to the candidate. This check provides an overview of hits from a wide internet search. It also consists of three parts: indexed internet search (the public internet), a social media scan (including Facebook, x, and Instagram), and deep web search (dark web).

The dark web is a part of the internet that is not accessible through the commonly used search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo). The dark web consists of websites and services hidden behind encrypted networks and is often only accessible through specialised software.

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Employers check the candidate's digital behaviour through a screening on social media, the public internet and the dark web.

Why choose Validata for background checks

Validata relieves you

As soon as the (potential) employee enters their personal data, Validata takes over all work. Our partner performs the check within 24 to 72 hours, after which the results are processed in the background check report.

Complies with laws and regulations

Thanks to our own Privacy Counsel, our Data Protection Officer (DPO) and our own register of processing, Validata can always comply with all laws and regulations regarding background checks.

Background check Specialist

Validata has been a specialist in background checks since 2009. Thanks to our many years of experience, we offer a fast and efficient background check process.

How does the internet scan work with Validata?

Candidates only need to enter their personal data into our online background check platform, Valluga. This data (or a combination of them) is shared with our partner, DataExpert, who uses this information to perform the check.

When other data and information is available to Validata, such as education, employment history, and the uploaded CV, this will also be shared with DataExpert.

DataExpert has several search engines and tools for searching the indexed web. For instance, they collect social media accounts from the person, and this is reported. The information is included in the final report only if DataExpert is 100% sure that the information matches the candidate


What is DataExpert?

DataExpert is a partner in data protection and law enforcement. DataExpert works closely with defense, law enforcement, government, financial institutions, and other businesses to improve security, supporting them with expertise, innovative software, training, and services.

DataExpert provides products and services to combat (cyber)crime, fraud, incident response and incident response to governments and businesses. Validata has partnered with DataExpert to offer in-depth internet searches of candidates at both basic and comprehensive levels.

How long is the processing time for this type of background check?

The average processing time for the internet search is on average between 24 and 72 hours. DataExpert can deliver the results quickly because this process is partially automated. Apart from the automated part, it also requires a specialist to perform the search results and assess the URL.

Internet search results are evaluated by DataExpert

DataExpert only provides factual and 100% reliable information in the form of a report during this check. This report consists of the URLs found and a brief description of them. These findings are shared with the employer in Valluga.

Conduct background checks on employees with Validata

An organisation’s success depends on having the right people. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you know who you are recruiting and keeping. Validata has created different background check profiles for each sector, which can be supplemented as desired. In addition to social media check and internet scan, there are many other background checks to choose from.

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Frequently asked questions about internet scan and social media checks

Are social media background checks common?

Are social media background checks common?

Recently, pre-employment social media background checks have become more common, with 45% of employers checking the candidate’s Facebook, X, Instagram or LinkedIn (43%) for inappropriate statements that could damage the company’s reputation.

Can I check employees' social media and do an internet search?

Can I check employees’ social media and do an internet search?

According to GDPR, it is not allowed to check a candidate’s or employee’s social accounts without sufficient motivation. Employers must have a valid reason why this data is necessary in the recruitment process. According to Unionen, the more sensitive information is collected, the more the employer must justify why this particular data is needed.

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