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PEP, Sanctions list, and Adverse media checks

Validata examines public and external data sources to prevent unnecessary risks and unpleasant surprises during hiring. Know who you’re hiring with PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks.

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Prevent risks with PEP, Sanctions list, and Adverse media checks

PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks are performed to manage risks. If a (potential) employee or partner has behaved inappropriately in the past, it can have unpredictable (economic) consequences for your organisation. This can affect both internally and externally, such as damaging the company’s reputation and causing financial harm.

To prevent such situations, it’s wise to conduct PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks. Interested to learn more? Contact us!

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Comply with current laws and regulations with PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks

Conducting PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks is also safe concerning current legislation. For example, the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act requires financial organisations to screen their (potential) employees and partners. Additionally, the Swedish Financial Supervision Act has decided that (potential) employees in certain sectors must undergo stricter screening for integrity-sensitive positions.

When checking PEP, sanction lists, and adverse media, we examine the following aspects:

  • Money laundering
  • Committing (economic) fraud
  • Financing or participating in criminal organisations and/or regimes
  • Drug-related crime

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Which international PEP lists does Validata check?

PEP (Politically Exposed Persons) and associated lists are compiled internationally. Resources such as local governments, the CIA World Leaders List, and the CIA World Factbook are used. A PEP list consists of five levels, with high-ranking political officials such as heads of state, government and parliament leaders at level one, and close associates of a PEP at level five.

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Employers are involved in reviewing international PEP lists.

Sanctions lists and Adverse Media – What you need to know before hiring

An international sanctions list is compiled from sources including the USA, UN, EU, and the Dutch Financial Supervision Authority (AFM). During an adverse media check, Validata verifies if a (potential) employee or partner appears negatively on a current list of convicted individuals and organisations. A team of researchers reviews publications daily from financial, regulatory, and disciplinary authorities worldwide. Anti-corruption agencies like Interpol, Europol, and the FBI are also consulted.

Want to know more? Our sales team will gladly assist you with personalised solutions tailored to your organisation’s needs.

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How do background checks work with Validata?

Validata’s screening software, Valluga, is both simple and efficient to use. After registering an account, you choose a verification profile and enter the candidate’s contact details. We then contact the candidate, who submits the necessary data via Valluga. The screening process starts as soon as we have received all the information.

Why conduct PEP, Sanctions list, and Adverse Media checks with Validata?

Validata takes care of your concerns

As soon as you have registered a (potential) employee and selected a matching screening profile, Validata handles the entire screening process. You can see the results of PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks in the screening report.

Looking beyond borders

For background checks with PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media, Validata consults various international sources that are continuously updated.

Specialist in employment screening

Validata has been a specialist in employment screening since 2009. Thanks to our many years of experience, we offer a fast and efficient screening process that complies with current (integrity) laws and regulations.

Conduct background checks during recruitment with Validata

Conducting background checks during recruitment, before hiring, and during employment can make a difference for your organisation’s success. At Validata, we know that the right employees make an organisation more successful. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you know who you’re recruiting and retaining. Validata has created various screening profiles for each sector that can be customised as desired. Besides PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media checks, there are many other screening checks to choose from.

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FAQ about PEP, sanctions list and adverse media check

What is a PEP?

What is a PEP?

PEP is a person in a politically exposed position. It stands for Politically Exposed Person (PEP). Examples of PEPs include political and state officials, such as Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. The PEP list also includes individuals in world-leading organisations like the UN, as well as senior members of the Riksbanken and their immediate family members.

What is a PEP and sanction list?

What is a PEP and sanction list?

PEP is a compilation of individuals and entities who are politically exposed (PEP – Politically Exposed Persons) and those subject to international sanctions.

PEP lists include individuals who hold or have held high political positions, while sanctions lists include individuals, companies, and organisations that are prohibited from conducting business due to sanctions issued by countries or international bodies. Background check helps mitigate risks associated with financial crime, corruption, and other illegal activities.

What crimes can be detected in a PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media background check?

What crimes can be detected in a PEP, sanctions list, and adverse media background check?

A background check of PEP, sanctions lists, and adverse media can reveal crimes such as money laundering, economic fraud, financing or participating in criminal organisations and/or regimes, and drug-related crime. This type of background check helps organisations prevent harmful risks like reputational damage and financial losses.

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