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Credit check

Validata performs credit checks on employees and new hires both at national and international level.

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Credit check for hiring and recruitment

Credit checks when hiring new employees or during employment help your organisation prevent financial risks. Checking the creditworthiness of a (potential) employee provides insight into any (financial) risks. Validata cooperates closely with the data provider Creditsafe for this purpose. This professional partner has checked payment defaults for employees and new recruits.

Want to know more about how credit checks work with Validata? Don’t hesitate to get in touch or book a private demo with our sales team. 

Start background checks for employment today

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Request international credit check

Validata can also offer an international credit check. The application process for such an international credit check varies by country. Does your company operate in multiple countries around the world? No problem, we have the capacity to implement Background checks in as many as 65 countries. For this, we work with the data partner iCOVER. Curious about the possibilities? We are happy to tell you more!

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Results of the credit check in the screening report

The results of a credit check can be found in the screening report. If certain points come up, we recommend always discussing them with a (potential) employee. In most cases, these are innocent deviations that are easy to explain.

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The creditworthiness is examined by the data provider Creditsafe

The data that Creditsafe uses in a credit check comes mainly from public sources. In addition, the data provider checks relevant information from courts, bailiffs, and debt collection agencies. Online stores can also be consulted.

When assessing creditworthiness, Creditsafe examines, among other things, whether a (potential) employee has payment defaults with Bailiff. Exact details, such as the amount of money, are not shared. In addition to checking ongoing payment defaults, it is also investigated whether a (potential) employee appears in guardianship and insolvency registers. Finally, any companies and property that is in the person’s name are also investigated.

More information about our data partners

How do background checks work with Validata?

Validata’s background check software, Valluga, works simply and efficiently. After creating an account, select a vetting profile and fill in the candidate’s contact details. We then contact the candidate, who then submits the necessary information in Valluga. Once we have received all the information, the verification process begins.

Credit check via Validata

Validata relieves you

After you have registered a (potential) employee and selected a suitable screening profile, Validata takes over the work. You can then read the results of the credit check in the control report.

Checks creditworthiness via partner Creditsafe

The creditworthiness is checked via our partner Creditsafe. They use data from public sources.

Specialist in personnel background checks 

Since 2009, Validata has been a specialist in conducting background checks on staff on a global level. With our many years of experience, we offer a fast and efficient review process that complies with applicable (privacy) laws and regulations.

Background check with Validata

An organisation’s success depends on having the right people. Therefore, know who you are hiring and keeping. Background checks when hiring can provide security. Validata has created different control profiles for each sector and function, which are easily adapted to your organisation’s needs. Contact us and we will tell you more about credit checks and other types of checks.

Start with background checks today 

Frequently asked questions about credit check

Credit report: how long does it take?

Credit report: how long does it take?

A credit check can take anywhere from 24 hours to receive a complete report, which takes about 1-5 days. However, the interim report is available immediately when it is ready, both for candidates and clients’ accounts.

Payment default: How long is it in the register?

Payment default: How long is it in the register?

According to the Swedish Enforcement Authority, there is a payment default for a private individual in the system for 3 years. For a legal entity, payment defaults remain for 5 years.

Are employers allowed to carry out credit checks when hiring?

Are employers allowed to carry out credit checks when hiring?

As an employer, you can carry out credit checks on employees. However, you have to adapt to applicable laws and legislation, or you could risk a fine. According to the Credit Information Act, employers may carry out credit checks on employees only when there is a legitimate need. This could be, for example, if you are going to hire a person who will work on the company’s financial transactions. In its entirety, you need to make a financial assessment of the person.

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