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Criminal record check in Sweden

Criminal record check in Sweden and conducting a background check is an important part of the recruitment process for many employers. Here we explain why it is important, what the police criminal record is and what employers can do if they want to find convictions online. We will also discuss the potential risks of not carrying out such a check and how Validata’s background checks can help you as an employer to avoid recruitment errors.

How criminal record check work

Extraction of criminal record in Sweden

The Swedish criminal record is a register that contains information on various types of convictions and sanctions handed down in Swedish courts. An extract from the criminal record is an official document issued by the Swedish Police Authority and contains registered information about a person’s possible offences and sanctions.

Criminal record extracts are mainly used by authorities and, in some cases, employers to assess a person’s suitability for certain positions or responsibilities. The Swedish Police Authority is the authority that issues and maintains the criminal record in Sweden.

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Criminal record: What does it entail?

The police criminal record contains information on persons who have been reasonably suspected or have been sanctioned for criminal offences. Access to the criminal record requires the consent of the person concerned.

A legal background check, which is the type of check we carry out at Validata, is a more comprehensive process often used by employers to verify a job applicant’s credentials and ensure their credibility. This check includes information on any criminal offences from Swedish courts, but can also include identity verification and review of education and work experience. Information on offences and convictions is taken directly from Swedish courts rather than from the criminal record, which means that the employer does not need the person’s consent and the information is available immediately.

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Some employer can request extracts from the criminal record in Sweden

As an employer, can I request extracts from the criminal record in Sweden?

Only the job applicant can request an extract from the criminal record in Sweden, but in some cases you as an employer have the right to obtain an extract from the criminal record when you hire. For some jobs, employers have the right to request an extract from the register directly from the police when hiring. This applies, for example, if you are going to work in psychiatric care, companies that install alarms or care for children and young people. There are also different types of industries where employers have the right to require the applicant to present an extract from the criminal record as part of the recruitment process. For example, if you are going to work in a school, nursery or insurance agency. Want to learn more about the criminal record check in Sweden?

Find court judgements on the internet

Some public convictions and offences recorded in the criminal record may be available online, but navigating through these resources requires both time and knowledge of where to look. There are several websites and databases that offer access to public convictions, but it is important to use trusted sources to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. To find specific court judgements for a person through Swedish courts, you often need to know which court dealt with the case and in many cases also specify details such as the case number or the names of the parties.

Using the internet to find convictions can therefore be a complement to ordering criminal records in Sweden, but it should not be the only method used. If you use Validata’s background check service, we will help you with the whole process. With us, you can get a holistic view of an individual’s history, including criminal record, financial status, employment history and much more, all delivered in a quick and GDPR-secure online report. This can assist you as an employer to make informed decisions in the recruitment process.

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Criminal record check in sweden
1. The company is exposed to potential threats

One of the main risks of not conducting a background check is that the company could be exposed to potential threats. By conducting a thorough and objective screening, employers can reduce the risk of hiring people who may pose a threat to the company and its employees.

It is important to consider the relevance of the offence to the position in question when reviewing a candidate’s background. If a candidate has been convicted of speeding, it may be unfair to deny them a position in IT, where driving is not part of their duties. However, if the position involves transport or frequent driving, such a conviction may be relevant and influence the employer’s decision. Assessing the relevance of the offence in relation to the job duties is crucial to make fair and informed decisions, and to avoid unnecessary risks in the business.

2. Risk damaging your company's reputation

Hiring someone with an unsuitable background for the position can damage the company’s reputation and brand. If it becomes known that the company has recruited someone with a criminal background, it can lead to negative headlines. This in turn can affect customer confidence and the company’s business relationships. A background check can help protect a company’s reputation by ensuring that the recruitment process includes as many perspectives as possible.

3. Violations of laws and regulations

In some industries, it is a legal requirement to conduct background checks, including criminal record checks. This is particularly true for professions that involve working with children, the elderly or other vulnerable groups. Failure to carry out such a check may mean that the company is in breach of laws and regulations, which can lead to legal sanctions and fines. By following legal requirements and carrying out background checks, employers can avoid these risks.

Avoid a mis-hire with Validata background checks

Validata offers comprehensive employment background checks that can help employers avoid recruitment errors. By using our services, you as an employer can access reliable and up-to-date information on job applicants’ criminal records. This can help ensure that only the most suitable candidates are hired, which in turn can help protect the company and its employees.

Validata’s background checks don’t just include criminal record checks, but we place great emphasis on using different types of background checks, such as credit checks, reference checks and education verification. This gives employers a comprehensive picture of candidates’ background and helps them make informed decisions.

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