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Background checks for secure employment

Background checks have become an increasingly central part of the recruitment process for many companies. One background check can reveal important information about a candidate’s past behaviour, education, and work experience, which can be crucial in making an informed hiring decision.

Introduces pre-employment background checks

Before you do background checks when hiring, you should review the important aspects and watch out for the increased rogue actors who don’t comply with rules and laws i.e., GDPR or haver shortcomings in systematics which can entail major implications for your organisation. Find out more about it below, or get a personalised guide on our background check processes by book a demo with our account manager.

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Challenges within background checks in Sweden

Challenges we see with background checks in Sweden today are, for example:

  • Rogue actors
    There are risks associated with companies offering unreliable background checks, which can lead to incorrect assessments with major consequences.
  • Incomplete checks
    Some employers use platforms such as Lexbase or MrKoll, and consider these to be full background checks, even though they do not cover all the necessary aspects.
  • Shortcomings in systematics
    A proper background check should be systematic and include several types of background checks to get a complete and fair image of the candidate’s background.
  • GDPR Compliance
    In addition to the fact that there must be a so-called legitimate interest in performing a background check under the GDPR, there are some other guidelines that need to be followed that are extremely important to know.
  • Time-consuming process
    Conducting extensive background checks can be time-consuming and resource-intensive in some cases, which can delay the recruitment process.


To avoid these challenges, you as an employer can turn to reliable background check companies. At Validata we have helped over thousands of organisations worldwide with background checks, since 2009. With our secure and transparent screening system, you can check candidates quick and easy.

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Skapa en fördomsfri rekrytering och minimera riskerna med bakgrundskontroller

Create a bias-free recruitment and minimise risks with background checks

By conducting background check at recruitment and employment, employers can ensure that the right person is hired for the job, reducing the risk of future problems. At the same time, an objective assessment of the candidate’s background contributes to an unbiased recruitment process. Here are some key reasons for conducting thorough background checks:

1. Protect your employees and your organisation

By verifying a candidate’s background, you as an employer can reduce the risk of hiring people who might be. This is especially important in industries where employees work closely with vulnerable groups, such as in healthcare and education.

2. Avoid wrong recruitment

Wrong recruitments can be costly both in time and money. By conducting thorough background checks, such as verifying educational credentials, work references, and any criminal records, employers can reduce the risk of hiring someone not of high integrity.

3. Maintain your organisation’s reputation

A company’s good reputation is a valuable asset. By knowing your employees’ backgrounds, your company can protect its brand and avoid negative publicity. This is especially important in industries where trust and security are crucial, such as finance and law.

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Checks carried out at the time of employment

When companies hire new employees, it is common to conduct several types of background checks to ensure that the candidates are suitable for the service. These checks vary depending on the industry and type of work, but the most common ones include Criminal record check, verification of education and diplomas, as well as review of work experience from previous employment. In some cases, credit checks are also carried out, especially for services that involve the handling of money or sensitive information.

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Criminal record check

One of the most common types of background checks is the check of criminal record. This involves the employer investigating whether the candidate has any previous criminal records that could affect their suitability for the job. In some industries, such as healthcare and education, this is a mandatory part of the recruitment process.

Verification of education and diplomas

Did you know that fake work credentials are one of the most common lies in jobseekers’ resumes? That verify a candidate’s education and diploma is another important part of the background check. This ensures that the candidate truly has the qualifications that they claim to have, which is crucial for them to perform their job effectively.

Work references and previous employments

Background check of references and previous employment provides the employer with a better understanding of the candidate’s work experience and performance. By talking to previous employers, you can gain insight into the candidate’s work ethic, reliability, and skills.

Credit information on employment

In some cases, it may be relevant to perform a credit check on a candidate, especially if the job involves handling money or sensitive information. A credit check can reveal if the candidate has financial problems that could affect their ability to perform the job responsibly.

Explore more background checks

How does Validata’s background check process work?

Validata offers a comprehensive and efficient background check process that is tailored to each company’s unique needs. Here are the steps involved in the process:

How to do background checks on employees with Valluga
Understanding the company's needs

The first step in Validata’s process is to understand the company’s specific needs and requirements. This involves discussing what type of background checks are most relevant to the role and industry at hand.

Consent from job applicants

Before any checks can be carried out, the candidate must give their consent to sharing their data with our datasuppliers. This is an important part of the process of ensuring that all checks are carried out in a legal and ethical manner.

Carrying out checks

Once consent has been obtained, Validata will carry out the necessary checks. This can include anything from criminal record checks to verification of education and work references.

Download digital report

After the checks have been carried out, the results are compiled in a digital report that the employer can download. The report provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the candidate’s background and any risk factors and is updated around the clock, every day.

Three reasons to choose Validata for background checks

Validata is a leading provider of background checks and offers several benefits to its customers:

Expert knowledge and experience

We have extensive experience and deep knowledge in the field of background checks, ensuring that all checks are carried out in a professional and thorough manner.

Fast and reliable results

Validata uses advanced technology and efficient processes to deliver fast and reliable results, allowing the recruitment process to continue without unnecessary delays.

Customized solutions for each organisation and sector

We offer customized solutions that are tailored to each company’s unique needs and requirements, regardless of industry or size.

Frequently asked questions and answers about background checks

What does a background check include?

One background checks can include several different types of checks, depending on the employer’s needs. Common checks include criminal record checks, verification of education and work references, as well as credit checks.

How long does a background check take?

The time it takes to complete a background check can vary depending on the types of checks performed and how quickly the information can be verified. Generally speaking, a background check in Sweden often takes between 1-3 days, and international checks about 10 days.

Are background checks legal in Sweden?

Yes, background checks are legal in Sweden, but they must be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, such as: GDPR and the Discrimination Act. It is important that employers obtain the candidate’s consent before any checks are performed.

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