1. Introduction
This Privacy Statement informs you, as a data subject, about the reasons why and the way in which Validata Group BV (‘Validata’) handles your personal data when screening candidates. This statement applies to all processing of personal data in the context of a screening performed by Validata. This statement does not cover data processed through the website www.validatagroup.com. For more information about this topic, please click on this link.
Validata processes personal data on behalf of the initiator of the screening (our client, most often your future employer). The information provided in this document does not replace the duty under article 13/14 GDPR of Validata’s client as the data controller to provide transparency on the processing of personal data.
2. Why does Validata process personal data?
Validata is specialised in screening individuals by means of a digital screening process. We process your personal data in order to perform a screening of relevant data at the request of a client.
3. What is Validata’s role under the GDPR?
Validata is the data processor in the context of the processing of personal data within the meaning of the GDPR. This means that we process data on behalf and for the purposes of the organisation that requested the screening for you: the client (often your future employer).
We recommend reviewing the client’s privacy notice and screening policy. As a data controller, the client is best positioned to explain to you why you are being screened and why each of the screening components was chosen.
1. In The Netherlands
Validata Group BV
Address – Apollolaan 151, 1077 AR Amsterdam
Telephone – +31 (0)20 5356898
Email – info@validatagroup.com
Chamber of Commerce no. 34346504
2. In Sweden
Validata Group Sweden AB
Vasagatan 28
111 20 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 84413840
Organization number: 559338-7706
Validata has a Data Protection Officer (‘DPO’) who is registered with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). The DPO can be contacted via privacy@validatagroup.com.
4. On what legal basis does Validata process personal data?
The client determines the legal basis for screening. In some cases, for example, screening may be required by law; in other cases, the organisation requesting your screening has a legitimate interest. You can find more information about the legal basis of processing in the client’s privacy statement.
5. What personal data does Validata process?
For each screening, Validata processes the following personal data, which we receive from you or from our client:
- Data concerning your name and address, gender, email address and telephone number.
In addition, depending on the client’s screening policy and the resulting components of the screening, the following personal data and/or documents may be processed:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Date of birth, Place of birth, Nationality
- Identity document
- Data concerning your salary
- Personal identity number or coordination number
- Driving licence
- Criminal Record
- Data concerning your educational background;
- Data concerning your work experience;
- Data provided by referees;
- Data from sector and/or professional registers;
- Data concerning your financial situation; including data from the register of persons under guardianship, data from the insolvency register, the ratio of your personal financial liabilities to your earnings or assets, and your credit rating;
- Data from declarations you have made, or from your integrity statement:
- data concerning outside activities and/managerial positions;
- data concerning circumstances that cast doubt on your reliability, competence or integrity;
- data concerning convictions for a criminal or corporate offence or being treated as a suspect in an inquiry into a criminal or corporate offence;
- Data concerning legal entities: legal status, business information, financial information and/or managerial powers;
- Data from social media and/or public sources;
- Data from international terrorist watchlists, politically exposed persons (PEP) lists and sanctions lists, and;
- Data relating to additional documents that are gathered, verified or checked at the request of our client, such as a payslip, confidentiality statement, landlord statement, employer’s statement, disciplinary law statement (Verklaring Onderwerping Tuchtrecht ‘VOT’) and/or a code of conduct.
6. From whom does Validata receive personal data?
In order to perform specific components of a screening or to verify data, Validata receives personal data from the following parties:
- you;
- our client(s);
- data suppliers in the context of performing a screening;
- relevant educational institutions (within and/or outside of the Netherlands);
- relevant sector and/or professional registers, such as the BIG register (for healthcare professionals);
- employers and/or other persons submitted by you as referees.
7. With whom does Validata share personal data?
In order to perform specific components of a screening or to verify data, Validata shares the necessary personal data with the following parties:
- data suppliers;
- relevant educational institutions (within and/or outside of The Netherlands);
- relevant sector and/or professional registers, such as the BIG register (for healthcare professionals);
- employers and/or other persons submitted by you as referees;
- our client.
Finally, you will also receive a copy of the screening report yourself.
8. With which data suppliers are personal data shared?
Validata has concluded agreements with its data suppliers that set out arrangements to ensure a correct and secure processing of your personal data. Validata’s data suppliers are:
- Creditsafe
- Acta Publica AB
- Verifiera
- Nuffic
- Mitek Systems
- Company.info
- DataExpert
9. Are special categories of personal data processed?
In some cases, Validata processes special categories of personal data. This depends on which components are included in the screening. The components of the screening have been determined by the client based on its policies, taking into consideration the potential risks associated with a specific job, a membership, specific work activities, or with the rental or sale of a home. Prior to the screening, you will be informed about the (special categories of) personal data that need to be processed. Validata may also process criminal data on the instructions of clients.
10. Processing identity document (ID document)
Validata processes identity documents to enable our client to meet its legal obligation to verify a person’s identity. This involves checking the authenticity of a scan of the identity document based on a number of security features. In addition, the document number is checked to establish that the document has not been reported stolen or missing.
11. Is submitting to the screening mandatory?
You have the right not to be screened. Chances are though, that this limits your chances to enter upon a new agreement or position that requires a screening. If you object to (all or parts of) the screening or have any questions, please contact the client. After all, the client has determined the composition of the screening in its policy.
12. Are my data secure?
Validata has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing.
13. How long will my data be stored?
Personal data is retained by default for 90 days after completion of the screening. After 90 days, personal data are deleted, unless the client has a different retention period for storing personal data with Validata.
The ID document and driver’s license are retained by default for 14 days after completion of the screening.
14. Will my personal data be transferred to other countries within or outside of the EEA?
Validata processes your personal data within the European Economic Area (EEA). Under certain circumstances, (all or parts of) your personal data may be transferred to a ‘third country’ outside of the EEA. This is the case, for example, if you are based in third country outside of the EEA, or if the client, a data supplier, or another party with whom we share your personal data, is based in such a third country.
15. Please be advised of your (privacy) rights:
As a processor, Validata will forward all requests from data subjects to the client (the controller). You can also send your request directly to the client.
- Right of access: To access the personal data gathered on you by Validata, please login via your personal account at Validata.
- Right to rectification: To request changes or additions to the personal data gathered on you, please send an email to Validata.
- Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’): You can request Validata to erase your personal data from Validata’s systems; for example, if Validata no longer needs the personal data in the context of the business activities agreed with the client.
- Right to restriction of processing: You can request Validata to (temporarily) stop processing your personal data.
- Right to object: You can object to the processing of your personal data.
- Right to lodge a complaint: If you have a complaint about our services, you can lodge a complaint with Validata to our department Support via support@validatagroup.com.
Please also be advised that you can lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority and/or the Swedish Data Protection Authority (www.IMY.se) about how Validata handles your personal data.
If you have any queries concerning the above matters, please contact our department Support via support@validatagroup.com.
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